Saturday 29 January 2011

Doctors and the Medical profession

When I was in my growing up years, I loved playing doctor-doctor and treating my playmates - my brother and my grandfather with some imaginary pills, checking their heart-beat and the like. No wonder till a certain point in my life, I wanted to choose medical science as my profession. This did not happen for a few reasons however I am glad I am not one among today's many doctors who are so professional that they don't care much about the lot of the patient as long as their purse is happy.

Though I have severe tonsilitis inflammation since the last two days, I will not visit a  doctor. I will have the homoeopathic remedies my dad prescribes or stick to home made ones like a ginger tea, or some jaggery to keep my throat in some shape to sustain the 1 week period that a normal cold/cough takes to vanish.

I know of doctors who won't even check you properly and prescribe medicines. Also in Delhi, I know of so many doctors who give you some colourful pills in small envelopes and no prescription. What does the poor patient know what medicine he is taking and if he needs to consult any other doctor in the future, how will the other doctor know what was the previous treatment undertaken by the patient?

Doctors should not only ask the patient of his medical history but also should be aware of the physical condition of the patient before prescribing any medicine. My mother was prescribed some medicines and since she has a weak constitution, her body could not take those and that resulted in severe vomitting and her being admitted to a hospital.

It is indeed sad that the profession which deserves so much respect is being looked down with disguise. The doctors today are only interested in earning commissions. They will tell you to undergo the same tests in a matter of a couple of days. I never understand this logic. And they will tell you to get it done from a certain clinic only.

What I do and tell the people around me to do is to maintain a healthy lifestyle, eat the right food, sleep well and then diseases would not be so near to you. Avoid the doctors as much as you can. If you are fearing that something is not right with you, do seek advise but don't blindly follow what the first doctors tell you . Today's doctors are doctors because they have passed some exams by some means including swallowing the names of the medicines. When prescribing these medicines, they don't think about the possible reactions becuase medical books cannot have eveything in such minute details. The physical condition of each human being is unique and how they react to the same medicine may be different. Good doctors are those who think, analyse and remember if they have treated a similar case before. So, please understand what your doctor is telling you to do and why? Take second opinion, take third opinion.

Having said all these, I still hope the faith in the profession is restored.