Monday 16 July 2012

Friend once...

Shocked and surprised! So what If I have not been in touch with Paromita since Class X; that's many many years now! But the news of her death has brought back all those memories alive of how we came back from school together, how we spent many winter afternoons gobbling oranges at the backyard of her house or mine, how we spent the Durga Puja days and many more.It has been many many years now and life's other business did not give me much time to remember all these very often and partly because she and her family moved to Guwahati just after our 10th I guess and she never said a formal goodbye before leaving. We both walked on different paths and I don't know if ever she remembered me and felt the need to talk but whatever has been her life like in these years, I wish her peace now.Never once did I try to search her on FB but now that I have heard of the unfortunate end I want to go and look for her and see how she looked like now but there is no point, just no point.Again wondering at the uncertainities of some pain and sadness...