Friday 30 December 2016

Some Winters ago

It's Dec 30 today, some years back in 2001 on a cold December morning, probably the 31st I arrived in Delhi with Ma and today as I sit at home remembering a lot many things, I wonder if I should be thankful for these 15 years or wonder if it could have been more!

This afternoon as Baba listened to the news on the radio and the songs started after the news, my mind raced back to years back when me and Ma use to lie on the bed listening to songs after our lunch. I did not have a job then and Ma had come to settle us down. There was no internet or TV then and the radio was our only source of entertainment on such gloomy noons. I remembered buying vegetables and cooking mixed veg. How I wish those days of Ma's fair health had lasted for ever.

I had a job by Feb and Ma returned to Shillong in April if I remember correctly. Ma and Baba have visited many winters since and my heart really wants to rewind back to those days, to do things that I could have done, made her more happy or simply listen to the radio.

Thursday 15 December 2016


I read this somewhere yesterday...

                           If Roses grow in Heaven Lord,
                           Please pick  a bunch for me,
                           Place them in my Mother's arms
                          And tell her they're from me...

And sure she loves flowers, we have a garden back in our Shillong home and she missed all those while in Delhi. So when she left she received these flowers from friends here and there, she must have felt some happiness.

And as if by some pull, I have started getting some flowers as well. Hope I continue....these will be for you Ma.

Tuesday 13 December 2016

Somewhere here

Do I hear a whisper or it's just my mind?
Do I feel a touch or it's just my mind?
Are those eyes watching or am I just dreaming?
Is there a star that shines brighter or is that just my mind?
Do I see a smile? Hope your pain is all gone!