Sunday 18 August 2013

Sunday Musings

I woke up this Sunday morning and relaized that it was raining outside. Nothing pleases me more than to sleep when it rains and more so when it is a Sunday, you know you can afford it.
So, when I finally woke up and standing on the balcony and watching the wet leaves and flowers, I kept wondering how the definition of Sundays has changed over the years. Back in those times when I was at school, Sundays meant a good breakfast, something different from the other days, then bathing and then watching Ramayan or Mahabharata with family which had almost become a ritual. And not just Ramayana, Sundays meant Vikram Vetal, Panchatantra ki kahaniyan and later Nivn etc.

Sundays in Bangalore were totally different; we lived in a rented place and we 6 girls had different routines from waking up early and washing the clothes to mehnding our hair, or applying multani on the face and then probably a movie day out or some shopping here and there. I particularly remember reading the newspaper over breakfast and this has remained with me till now, I don't enjoy breakfast without a look at the newspaper or reading the newspaper without having the breakfast plate and a cup of tea in front of me.
So, the rains today made a perfect excuse for hot puris and aloo sabzi and the sunday supplement to go with!

Thursday 8 August 2013

The email story...err the intuition story

It has been a few years since this and I write this because something similar has happened just a couple of days back. Back in those the project I worked on had monthly releases, not necessary every month but there was a gap of few months in between. So, one day as I was working on a project and was midway through it, I dont know what happened but I chanced upon a mail by some unintended clicks and that was about the release notes and that my lead had updated it. Now I did not see the dates on that email and assumed that it was just received. I kept the task of reading the updates for later and went on to finish what was immediately needed. But when I got to that task, I could not find that email and all my search went in vain. I wondered if I had deleted the email and asked my lead to re-send the same to me. He was so surprised by my email because he said though he updated the release notes that very day he did not actually send me an email. We were both surprised! Well, what had happened was that some old email with the same subject and intention had opened by chance. Well, a boon since my lead had forgotten to update me, I could have potentially missed the changes but for my luck I was saved the embarrasment.

And just two days back, I had decided to delete mails from an old project since my mailbox was having space issues. And out of nowhere, I received an email from someone involved in that project and for two whole minutes I kept checking if that was not an old email. Well, I take it as a sign not to delete  those as something from there might turn to be useful in the near future!

If your mind is open and uncluttered, I guess we receive these signals; it is just a matter of realizing!