Thursday 30 August 2012

The Joys of Reading

This one won be a prize at the Book Lovers contest at my work place.

Reading itself is a joy! At times it transports you to a world where you have never been before; you can visit a new city, live in a house by the sea, bathe in the warm afternoon sun even while you are sipping your cup of tea or while you are traveling. You lose your sense of the presence and jump with joy when the book's lead character has found his/her dream person or you can play a detective and see a murder mystery unfold.

Books show you life and times you would otherwise never know! You could travel back to the Victorian era and learn about the intricacies of dressing or you could travel to the future and live on capsules instead of food. Books help you overcome fear by reading about people who have captured all obstacles and made their mark in human history, books tell you how wars started over petty matters, books show you how some mothers have sacrificed for the sake of their children and books tell you how many a cruel heart has been purified by a little gesture of love.

Books are your friends on whom you can rely any day, they can fit into your smallest of bags and they give you company where others have failed. No matter what stress or tension in life you are going through, you just need to open the right book and your answers will come to you and your tensions will cease. Books as they say, are indeed treasure we need to keep!

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