Sunday 23 December 2018

Memories stay

Sunday Musings!

This morning, my brother gave me the news of the passing away of Mrs Kay Dixon, an acquaintance of ours! My thoughts immediately went back to the time when I had met her back in 2010. Well, she was introduced to me by my brother when I was traveling to UK.

How my brother had met her is another story and just another human experience of connecting with people in the strangest of circumstances and then keeping a connection with that person as long as we want to and make the effort to keep the connection alive.

I was not much surprised at the news as all of us have to pass away one fine day and Mrs Dixon had surely lived her life well! I had met her twice in London and on one of these occasions she had invited me over to lunch at her place. I still remember the cosy corner where we all had lunch together...she, her son, Thomas and his wife, Emily!

What hit me most was the fact that I hadn't written to her for quite sometime now, not because I did not want or did not have time, but simply carelessness and not making that extra effort. It happens that other things take priority and we simply forget about some basic courtesies. I looked up her emails now and found that the last time I had communicated with her was back in 2014....4 years have passed since then and even though I have thought of her, I have missed writing to her!

I will always remember the effort she made to learn new things and do a little extra even at her age. How I wish I could travel back in time, make one call or write one email just to say 'hello' and ask her what was she exploring next. This won't happen and I will regret once more for not making that little effort.

To think someone you knew is gone somewhere, gone for good is a strange feeling which one cannot put into words. But yes, this life!

Wherever you are today, know that you will be in my heart, always, Mrs Dixon!

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