Sunday 6 February 2011

What is in a morning cup of tea or coffee?

Hi, good morning! Ready for a cup of tea? I often wonder what a morning cup of tea does to you or me that we wouldn't start our day without it? For many years, I have not drunk tea even though I belong to a cold place and had frequent attacks of tonsillitis or sinusitis. But my years in Bangalore have made me a tea drinker anyway. It's not about being in Bangalore but it is about being in a group that one takes to tea or coffee, I guess.

Back in Bangalore, I remember we use to have our tea glasses in hand and stand by the balcony and chat for hours before we thought it was time to do some studies.

I am not addicted to tea as such but even at work, it feels like I should have my first cup of tea and then start working. Sometimes I get my cup and its cools down on my desk just as it was without my realizing and I really don't have an urge to get another cup but the feeling of getting your first cup must be satisfied!

I miss it where I am now as a tea friend does not exist here. Earlier my tea- friend and me would just check our morning mails and tasks and then get together for a cuppa. It would be the same in the evening when you felt exhausted and then looked forward to that much needed tea break. Machine tea never tastes good but its just that little chat over whatever kind of tea that did wonders.

I remember in Sydney, the mornings would be filled with the coffee aroma and even though not much of a coffee drinker myself, I just loved it! I didn't feel the same ever in London even though people gathered around coffee machines but that never tasted or smelled like how it did in Sydney. Well, well...I might be just a bit partial.

I will never say no to a cup of tea or coffee as anything could happen over a cup of coffee...(stealing the tag line from Cafe Day I guess). and Starbucks opening its chain in India is certainly news too!

And I love my tea in a special way, not many can match my expectations and sometimes I fail big time too. That perfect colour, that perfect dash of sweetness, not too much of milk and neither too strong is hard to come by...

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