Monday 10 June 2013

Allowing the bad things to come to you?

The evil of the world is made possible by nothing but the sanction you give it..Atlas Shrugged

The evil of the world is made possible by nothing but the sanction you give it...this is a favourite quote of mine and as I live and learn in life, I believe in these lines more and more...

I was just now reading about the suicide note that Jia Khan has left behind. Those who don't know who or what I am talking about, Jiah was an actress, a budding one who did not meet fame the way she would have liked  and coupled with personal problems, she ended her life some 10 days back by hanging herself.

Coming back to her suicide note, it seems to be all revolving around Suraj Pancholi, the son of actor Aditya Pancholi, who she was dating. In every line, she mentions rejection, rejection by her lover whether it was about her preferences, her family and worst of it all was about aborting their child.

Well, I think this is something to do about being in love, about forgetting oneself and giving the other person so much importance that you totally forget that you exist. You forget about treating yourself well, you crave for acceptance, you crave for love and attention from that person so much so that you forget you have a world of your own, your friends, your parents and your loved ones and probably a loving husband waiting somewhere...

So, when it happens that your world is just him, you can't accept the fact that you can survive without him. You have given him so much importance that you have ceased to exist and perhaps a nervous breakdown or in Jia's case, a suicide was the most logical next step.

Why could not she focus on her life instead? On her career, on her family and on her friends? Life is never about sticking to just that one choice, life is about changes,about experiences, about learning and still about being able to love. Every person or every event in life is made to happen so you learn, grow and move on. Change is the only constant factor in the arithmetic called life.

So, dear girls and ladies and even emotionally weak guys reeading this post, please make yourself important, let your life not be a waste just because of that one person. That person anyway is perhaps never going to be impacted even after the step that you have taken, it's because your act was an act of cowardice, how can someone be impacted? Suraj will probably lead his life normally and in time marry someone without that girl even impacted by all what happened. Yes, he will find a girl. You should have lived and then you would have eventually found someone who was worth you Jiah!


  1. i agree with your view. doosro ki jai se pehle khud ko jai karen

  2. It is very important to develop self respect, that's how others will come to respect us.
