Wednesday 2 January 2013

Blocked Nose/Stuffed Nose/Running Nose

hmmm...Winters! And this year the temperature seems to be below than that on other years. And I am getting these strange problems. When I wake up, my nose seems to be blocked and the other running and this happens irrespective of the time I sleep! I was never much an afternoon sleeper but these days I seem to doze off and when I wake up the same problem persists. I suddenly feel cold and then my throat and nose both seem itchy too. It gets better after a while though. I can also sleep peacefully inspite of a little wheezing sound I hear when I wake up.

I hate to go to a doctor and wondering which homoeo remedy would best suit me. My dad has been prescribing a medicine but I am too lazy to take that and decided on my own. Seems to have initially worked but if I am irregular who is to blame.

I am also on the lookout for natural remedies and ginger and garlic seem to the obvious choices but here too it is not working or may be I am not regular. I also made the greatest of homoeo mistakes and that is to take garlic when homeo medicines are on. Strong spices, tomato, coffee all destroy the homeo medicine's effect. I must be here or there and can't be at both the places.

I am too lazy to try steam therapy; may be today :-) And may be today I will try out another homoeo medicine and see if it has any positive effect. Or is it allergy? Well...Wish me luck!!!
Day 3: Well, I tried Nux Vomica since my nose is alternately stuffed up and running. I took the medicine for 2 days and just one dose before sleeping. I did feel slightly better as the stuffiness slightly reduced but I think I should increase the dosage. I will update the blog when I see some remarkable improvement. I thought Nux would be good because I am having little problem with bowels as well. But honestly I had never known that Nux could be a cure.
Day 5: Nux seems to be working. Slowly. At least the stuffed nose seems to be getting better and it's the running one that I have to take care of now! That's because I am lazy with the doses I guess! A friend advised me the following: Boil water and add ajwain and saunf and bring it to half. When it has cooled down, drink it before sleeping.  I did that last night and felt slightly better on waking up this morning.
Day 7: I am feeling better, not sure its the medicine that is working or the weather. May be both!

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